
A Synthetic Influencer


A Colorful Male Red Hair Influencer having Adventures on an Inflatable Sliding Board

Instantiate a Synthetic Influencer with this AI model trained to create and instantiate an specific fictional character and world.

You may play with the following prompt samples copy pasting, mixing and adding | always invoque the concept with the word: ziggyslide:

ziggyslide, wide angle, handsome guy ginger, selfie, colorful outfit, mirror goggles, colorful helmet designs, short beard, bulge, water slide, splash action shot, expressive

ziggyslide, wide angle, handsome guy ginger with long curly hair floating in all directions and shirtless, selfie, muscular torso and legs, colorful kilt short and open, mirror goggles, short beard and mustache, bulge, under water, synchronized swimming, colorful boots

ziggyslide, wide angle, handsome guy ginger shirtless, selfie, muscular torso and legs, colorful speedo bulge, mirror goggles, colorful helmet, short beard and mustache, splashing water, colorful boots

ziggyslide, wide angle, handsome guy ginger sin colorful outfit, selfie, muscular torso and legs, bulge, mirror goggles, colorful helmet, short beard and mustache, splashing water, colorful boots , screeming

This app and model are part of the project The (AI) Model is the Message

Concept and development by Marlon Barrios Solano running SDXL on Replicate.

Follow me on Instagram.